The Role of Mentorship in Law and Beyond

None of us can do it alone. Whether professionally or personally, we all need people we can lean on, and one of the best ways to learn is from someone who’s walked the same path. Mentorship has shaped my life and career in ways I couldn’t imagine. From Mr. Douglass, my former law partner whose name still graces our office door, to my executive advisors, like my fractional CEO, COO, and CFO, mentorship has been a cornerstone of my success. This month is National Mentorship Month, and it’s the perfect time to reflect on what we can gain from others and paying it forward ... CONTINUE READING

How to Nail Your Supplier Agreements

Suppliers and vendors are among the lifelines of any small business, providing the goods and services that keep operations moving smoothly. For every one of these crucial relationships, you must have a proper agreement with a well-written contract that will protect both parties. Whether you’re working with manufacturers, retailers, or service providers, your vendor contracts should clearly outline your expectations and the terms of the agreement. Here’s what every small business owner should know about navigating vendor and supply contracts ... CONTINUE READING

Guide for Finding a Lost Pet

Our pets are one of the great constants in our lives. They are always ready to support us after a hard day with warm companionship and slobbery kisses. However, despite our best efforts to keep them corralled while we are away, they can go missing. Losing a pet is a stressful experience. However, not all is lost. After getting lost, over 90% of dogs are found alive, and nearly 20% return home of their own accord. And for cats, in about 90% of cases, they are lost an average of 5–7 days before being found or making their way home. Here are some simple steps you can take to ... CONTINUE READING

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